GPT for Google Sheets: How to Use it For Effective Marketing Campaigns

illustration of a marketing campaign and its components

In a perfect world, every lead would become a loyal customer, and the data prep involved to get to that stage would take less time. Fortunately, GPT for Google Sheets is a free AI assistant to help speed up the work involved in marketing campaigns. It cleanses data, creates captivating email subject lines to increase open rates, and more.

GPT Workspace also agrees that time is of the essence when running successful marketing campaigns. That's why we've put together some use cases of how you can leverage the GPT for Google Sheets tool to enhance your strategies.

What is GPT for Google Sheets?

GPT for Google Sheets delivers the power of text-generating models OpenAI GPT4 and Bard AI into Google Sheets. You can apply GPT formulas to analyze, standardize, clean data and other complex spreadsheet tasks.

Different Features of GPT for Google Sheets

The GPT for Google Sheets offers a large range of functionality. Let’s delve into some ways that it can help you when using Google Sheets.

Generate, edit, summarize, outline, and standardize

GPT for Google Sheets assists in creating attention-grabbing headlines, taglines, email opening lines, and subject lines. It can produce your metadata descriptions, summarize reviews, and write responses to social media comments.


It offers intuitive functions to cleanse, standardize, and classify your spreadsheet data.


showing how to generate taglines with the =GPT formula



showing how to use the =GPT_LIST formula

30+ language translations

GPT for Sheets can suggest 30+ natural-sounding language translations for email responses and content. This feature allows you to tap into new markets and make your campaigns accessible to global audiences.

Who can use GPT for Google Sheets?

Anyone who uses Sheets to create and edit spreadsheet data, from marketers to project managers, to data journalists, should find the GPT for Sheets add-on valuable.

How to Use GPT for Google Sheets

Here are the steps to install GPT Sheets and start reaping the benefits.

  1. Click on this link to Install GPT for Google Sheets from the Google Workspace Marketplace.

picture of the welcome page for installing the add-on

 2. Once installed, you'll see the GPT for Sheets icon in the right sidebar of Google Sheets.

screenshot of the icon on the right side

3. Open the Extensions menu,  select GPT for Sheets, and Enable custom Functions in this sheet to access all GPT functions.

opening the extension

GPT for Google Sheets Functions for Email Marketing

First, the basics of how it works. To ask GPT to perform a function, it accepts the following syntax (statements):

=GPT([prompt], [value], [temperature], [max_tokens], [model])

And this is the input accepted for each parameter (definition):

  • prompt: This parameter shouldn't be left empty. You can populate it with text, a cell, or a range of cells to tell GPT to do something.

  • value (optional): This accepts text, a cell, or cell range values to which you want the prompt to apply.

  • temperature (optional): This controls the creativity level and accepts a number between 0 and 1.

  • max_tokens (optional): Allows you to control the number of tokens used for each request. The higher the number, the longer and more detailed the text. It accepts a number between 0 and the model limit.

  • model (optional): You can specify the base model to perform the function. For example, gpt-4 is the default.

We'll stick to populating the prompt and value parameters in these examples for simplicity and to get a general idea of using the free version of GPT for Google Sheets.

Now, let's get stuck in!

GPT function 

​​The GPT function is the primary and most straightforward function that can be used to output an answer. It's ideal for creating eye-catching taglines and subject lines to market your brand and for more effective prospecting emails.

using the =GPT formula


Let's say you wanted a subject line to send emails about your organic foods business; in any cell, enter the following prompt:

=GPT(“Write an email subject line for an organic foods store”). Then hit Enter for a response. We got:

“Fresh and Organic: Stock up on Healthy Goodness at Our Store!”

Specific email subject line

For a more specific prompt, you can specify the tone and country of the shop, etc., 

In any cell type: =GPT(, highlight the data range to provide the value. Close the brackets, then hit Enter. 

We entered the following details:

  • Task: Write an email subject line

  • Topic: organic health foods

  • Tone: Casual

  • Make it funny.

  • Country: Australia

  • Length: Under 20 words

And we got: "Get your daily dose of greens and giggles at our organic store!"


In addition to generating a list of several taglines, the GPT_LIST function can extract and classify data for audience segmentation purposes.