Writing the best prompt: using the right tone

AI represented like a train trying to follow the right track

What is the best prompt?

The best prompt is simply the one that helps you get the kind of content you want, whether it’s for creative writing, for an article, a blog, a webpage, a tutorial, etc.

Just as the way you speak and your body language influence your interlocutor's perception, the choice of tone is essential when interacting with an AI like Chat GPT.

I mean, you would not answer the same way a bodybuilder on the beach, a librarian in a bookstore or a friend on her birthday party would, right? Well, you can consider that Chat GPT is just a blank page that feeds on context and instructions to actually understand what you want.


Examples of tones

  •  Sarcastic tone

example of a sarcastic prompt in GPT Workspace


  • Journalistic and witty

example of a journalistic and witty prompt in GPT Workspace


  • Passionate

example of a passionate prompt in GPT Workspace


With these three examples, we can see very different responses, approaches and personalities. By setting the right tone, we finally get very human-like answers.

In addition to the examples above - sarcastic, journalistic and witty or passionate - there are plenty of different tones you can use to get the content that you want: cheerful, dry, assertive, persuasive, regretful, etc.


Examples of styles

You can also use different “styles” to get specific content that can be attributed to a public personality or someone you want Chat GPT to impersonate.

  • William Shakespeare

example of a prompt written in the style of William Shakespeare


  • C3PO

example of a prompt written in the style of C3PO


What about context?

Context is equally important in steering AI in the right direction and obtaining quality content. From providing examples, to explaining step by step what you expect, who you are and what you are going to use this content for, there are plenty of ways you can provide context.

Source : Google Slides using GPT Workspace's add-on

What you can see above is a typical example of how to write a prompt in Google Slides though GPT Workspace, note that you can access the full video on youtube.

In another article, we take a closer look at the notion of context for LLMs (Large Language Models) to fully understand this topic.



Even if GPT Workspace allows you to automatically consider the existing content of the page, sheet or slide you’re currently on, you still need to refine it with the right approach. Try, test and edit your prompt, again and again, until you finally get the result you had been hoping for. Good luck!