How to Use ChatGPT in Google Sheets With GPT Workspace (+ 9 example prompts)

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko:

With the breakneck speed at which AI tools have been developing, it comes as no surprise that it is now possible to use GPT directly in Google Sheets. With powerful integrations, like GPT Workspace, you can achieve impressive results. But what exactly can you do when you have GPT in Google Sheets? Well, how about:

  1. Generating ad copy
  2. Creating oversight
  3. Translating content
  4. Writing cover letters
  5. Pulling in outside information
  6. Creating tables
  7. Summarizing data
  8. Editing multiple content pieces
  9. Labeling your datasets

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. In this blog, we'll explain to you how to achieve the above, with a prompt for each that you can just copy and paste. But before we explain how you can use GPT Workspace for the things we listed above, you should know how to access it on your computer in the first place.

How to add the GPT for Docs, Sheets, and Slides Extension to Google Sheets

To add the GPT for Docs, Sheets, and Slides extension to your Google Sheets:

  1. Open a new Google Sheets spreadsheet on your computer. 

  2. Find and click on Extensions > Add-ons > Get Add-ons. 

  3. You should be taken to the Google Workspace Marketplace. Find the search bar in the top-right corner of the screen and search for GPT for Sheets, Docs, and Slides.

  4. Select the Google account associated with your Google Sheets account and then tap Allow on the permission prompt to grant the extension access it needs to modify your spreadsheets. 

  5. After the installation, click Next and tap Done on the post-installation screen to complete the installation process. 

With that done, the extension will be added to your Google Sheets account. And all of that without complicated ChatGPT coding or installations of Open AI API keys. If you get familiar with this extension, the possibilities are endless. A good start, however, is to try the following AI tips for yourself.

Generate converting ad copy to boost your sales

By using GPT in Google Sheets, you can create engaging ad copy in seconds. This is crucial for boosting sales as it grabs attention, communicates value, and addresses pain points. 

Engaging ad copy convinces potential customers that your product or service is the solution they need, which leads to increased sales. It also builds trust and credibility, positioning your brand as a reliable choice. By engaging and persuading your audience, converting ad copy can ultimately drive more sales and foster customer loyalty.

So how exactly can GPT for Workspace help you do achieve what you couldn’t achieve before? Well, with the prompt “=GPT(prompt, [value])” it becomes easy to create taglines, ads, and titles that get you the sales you deserve. Just type the prompt “=GPT(“Generate a tagline for this product”, [value])” into a cell, and the magic unfolds in front of your eyes.


Create oversight in your datasets

Datasets can get messy. But luckily, AI makes it easy to create insight in even the most bloated of datasets. Having oversight in datasets is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps you ensure that the data is reliable and accurate. Potential errors, biases, or inconsistencies can be only brought to light and corrected when you can see them. Secondly, oversight helps you take care of data privacy and security. It helps you find and eliminate any potential risks or vulnerabilities in the dataset, protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access or misuse. Lastly, oversight enables transparency and accountability. Checking that your data collection and processing practices adhere to ethical and legal standards instills trust and confidence among stakeholders. So all in all, having oversight in datasets is essential for maintaining data quality, privacy, security, and ethical standards.

With GPT Workspace, getting the oversight you need is as easy as asking the right questions. No more searching for the right way to manipulate the data. Just use the “=GPT(Tell me X about this data, [value])” prompt and the answer to your question appears.

Translate your content to reach a wider audience

Of course, you want your content to reach a wide audience. But for that, it’s important to literally speak the language of your target audience. Translating your content to reach your non-English-speaking audience allows you to tap into new markets and expand your customer base. By translating your content into different languages, you can effectively connect with and engage potential customers who may not be proficient in your primary language. This increases your reach and potential for sales growth.

Translating content also shows you’re inclusive and culturally sensitive. It proves that you value and respect diverse audiences, which can enhance your brand reputation and foster positive customer relationships. 

Additionally, translating content can help overcome language barriers and improve communication. It ensures that your message is accurately conveyed, reducing misunderstandings and increasing the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. 

Finally, by reaching a wider audience through translation, you can gain valuable insights into different markets, customer preferences, and trends, allowing you to tailor your offerings and marketing strategies accordingly.

To translate any text into over 30+ languages, simply select the text you want to translate and select the target language from a drop-down menu.


Write tailored cover letters

Imagine being able to tailor your cover letter to the job description of your dream job. Well, you don’t have to just imagine it. Now you can make it happen. A tailored cover letter helps you land your dream job for several reasons. Firstly, it allows you to show that you’re actually interested in the job or company you’re applying to. And by customizing your cover letter, you can emphasize how your skills, experiences, and qualifications align with the requirements of the position. 

Secondly, tailored cover letters show that you have taken the time to research and understand the company's values, culture, and needs, which can make a positive impression on hiring managers. Overall, writing tailored cover letters helps you make a compelling case for why you are the ideal candidate for the job, increasing your likelihood of getting an interview and ultimately landing the position.

We wrote a guide on using GPT Workspace to write custom cover letters. And if you really want to take your application to the next level, you can customize your CV or slide decks too!

Pull information in from outside sources

Every so often, you require information your dataset doesn’t contain. But with AI, you can insert any kind of information into the dataset instantly. Being able to pull in information from outside sources into your dataset is highly useful for several reasons. Firstly, it enriches your dataset with additional relevant and up-to-date information. By incorporating external data sources, you can enhance the depth and breadth of your dataset, providing a more comprehensive and accurate representation of the subject. 

Secondly, external data sources can provide valuable context and insights that may not be available within your existing dataset. This additional information can help uncover patterns, trends, or correlations that you might otherwise overlook. Integrating external data sources also allows for comparisons and benchmarking against industry standards or competitors, enabling you to gain a competitive edge and identify areas for improvement. 

For this, try using the =GPT_LIST prompt that inserts a list of your choosing into your Google Sheets. Simply type “=GPT_LIST(“Top 10 countries by population”)" for example, and GPT Workspace does the rest. 


Create tables of data

One of the main reasons to use tools like Google Sheets is that it allows you to organize data. Before AI tools, this meant manually creating tables. But with the rise of AI integrations into Google Workspace, creating tables becomes a piece of cake. Tables provide a structured and organized format for presenting information in a clear and concise manner. They make it easy to compare and analyze your data. This way, you can identify patterns, trends, and relationships. 

Secondly, tables facilitate data manipulation and calculations. By organizing data into rows and columns, tables enable sorting, filtering, and aggregating data, making it easier to perform calculations and derive meaningful insights. Tables also make it easier to communicate and visualize your data. They provide a visual representation of data that is easy to understand and interpret, making it more accessible to a wider audience.

Overall, creating tables of data helps in organizing, analyzing, presenting, and documenting information effectively.

Here, the =GPT_TABLE function of GPT Workspace comes into play. Instead of only populating a cell or a column with data, you can create a whole table from scratch. Try typing something like =GPT_TABLE(“Countries with population and GDP”) and watch the information you requested appear. 


Summarize text

Often, data analysis means getting pointed insights from large batches of data. Manually combing through thousands of pages of content can take hours. That’s why summarizing the data into key points of interest can speed up your workflow considerably. 

Summaries help improve comprehension and retention. By distilling complex or convoluted information into a more understandable form, summaries make it easier for you to grasp the main ideas and retain them in memory. The summarized version also makes it easier to navigate through the data. And it acts as a guide, so you can quickly locate the details or sections you’re interested in. So basically, summarizing massive blocks of text makes you more efficient and makes the data easier to read.

Edit multiple content pieces at once

It’s a rare to only have one thing to do. More often than not, you have to juggle multiple projects. Earlier in this guide, we told you how to create multiple taglines in Google Sheets. But you can also flip it around and edit multiple assets at the same time. This is useful for a few reasons. Firstly, it saves time and streamlines the editing process. Instead of editing each piece individually, editing multiple pieces together allows for consistent and efficient changes across all the content. This keeps your style, tone, and messaging uniform and reduces the overall editing time. Secondly, by editing your assets parallel to each other, you make it easy to spot inconsistencies between them. Editing multiple content pieces together makes storytelling and messaging a breeze, reinforcing the narrative or brand image you have in mind. 

To accomplish this, select the cells you want to edit and use the prompt “=GPT(“Make sure the messaging, tone and style of the content is uniform”, [value])”.

Label entire datasets

Often, creating oversight means categorizing and labeling data. Labeling datasets is useful for several reasons. Firstly, it provides a clear and organized structure to the data, making it easier to understand and analyze. By labeling the dataset, each data point or entry is assigned a specific category or tag, allowing for efficient data management and retrieval. Secondly, you can use labeled datasets to train machine learning models. With labeled data, algorithms can learn from the provided labels to make predictions or classifications on new, unlabeled data. Not far into the future, it might be possible to use these datasets to train algorithms like ChatGPT to help your specific company

To label your data, select it and use the prompt “=GPT(“label the following data according to the most logical categories”, [value])”. Now it’s easy to understand what your data is about, and you can even be prepared to train machine learning algorithms like ChatGPT on it if the occasion arises.

Watch your ideas come to life

In the end, the only limit to GPT for Workspace is your imagination. If you can imagine it, we can help you make it come to life. Workspace for GPT is the only tool that gives you the power of AI in Google Workspace with no coding knowledge required. And because we know you want to see it for yourself before you spend any money, we’ve made the basic plan completely free to install and use for as long as you want. Try it and ensure that you come out ahead by using AI in Google Sheets, Google Docs and Google Slides.