GPT for Work - Blog

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How to use ChatGPT without OpenAI API key to find work

Woman shaking mans hand at job interview  (Photo by Sora Shimazaki)
Let’s be honest, getting a job isn’t easy. Well, getting a job might be quite doable, but you would rather not settle for any job. The right job can open up complete lifestyle changes, like working remotely from anywhere or making much more than you’re making now. But with competition higher than... Read More

How To Use ChatGPT As An AI Slide Deck Generator

Women doing a presentation. Photo by Mikael Blomkvist
More and more people are learning how to generate slide decks with AI tools like GPT for Google Workspace that use ChatGPT. Making slide decks is one of the least favorite parts of most people’s workday. That’s why it’s one of the most requested automations here at... Read More